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[其他]【Note】Studio Classroom, August 14-15, 2019[複製鏈接]

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發表於 2019-8-5 08:35 PM|只看該作者|倒序瀏覽
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  • Title: Google Maps AR
  • Subtitle: Google wants to augment your reality
  • Levels: HIGH
  • Date: August 14-15

The topic is talking about some kind of leading-edge technology
offered by something Google calls AR.

When reading the article, be aware of prepositions.
And you will find numbers of participles in the following paragraphs.


[C] = countable 可算名詞
[U] = uncountable 不可算名詞
[sing] = singular 単數
[pl] = plural 複數形
[pron] = pronoun 代名詞
[sb] = somebody ある人
[sth] = something ある事
♪ ─────────────────────◆
[vt] = transitive verb 他動詞
[vi] = intransitive verb 自動詞
[aux] = auxiliary 助動詞
[V-ing] = gerund 現在分詞
[V-ed] = past tense 過去形
[V-en] = past participle 過去分詞
♪ ─────────────────────◆
[a] = adjective 形容詞
[adv] = adverb 副詞
[CD] = connective adverb 接続副詞
[prep] = preposition 前置詞
♪ ─────────────────────◆
[P] = phrase 熟語
[PN] = phrasal noun 句名詞
[PV] = phrasal verb 句動詞(熟語動詞)
[PA] = phrasal adjective 句形容詞
[PD] = phrasal adverb 句副詞
[Cl] = Clauses 節
[Cl-R] = relative clause 関係節
[Cl-a] = Adjective Clause 形容詞節. etc.
[Cl-wh] = wh-clause 疑問節(WH疑問文)
♪ ─────────────────────◆
[S] = Subject 主格
[O] = Object 目的語
[OC] = Object Complement 目的語補語
[SC] =  Subject Complement 主格補語
♪ ─────────────────────◆
[abbr] = abbreviation 略語
[e.g.] = for example たとえば
[fml] = formal 正式の
[infml] = informal 略式の
[sl] = slang 俗語
[IC] = interchangeable 交換できる



straightforward [a] 簡単な /stréɪtfɔ́rwɚd(米國英語)/
It is hard to find straightforward solutions to complex [a] problems.
complication [C] やっかいな問題
The extremely [adv-極端に] wet weather caused a few complications for the construction process.
disrupt [vt] 中斷させる
The sudden loss of power disrupted the filming of [P-撮影] the TV show.
astray [adv] 正道からそれて・道に迷って
Unreliable [a-信頼できない] news sources often want to lead people astray for political [a-政治に関する] reasons.
※go astray [PV] 惑う
generate [vt] 生成する
I work for a company that generates educational content for magazines.
※ generation [C] 同時代の人々
activate [vt] 作動させる
This light activates automatically when motion [U-作動] is detected [V-ed-検出する] in this area.
※ active [a] 積極的な
superimpose [vt/vi] スーパーインポーズする
I created the effect by superimposing two pictures on top of each other.
accumulate [vt] 蓄積する /əkjúːmjʊlèɪt(米國英語)/
Success isn’t measured only by how much money people accumulate.
complicate [vt] 複雑にする
Adding a new employee to the team at this time will just complicate the situation.
complex [a] 複雑な
Although problems between people seem simple, they are usually more complex than they seem.

head off [PV] 向かっていく
As soon as Karen arrives, we’ll head off to the mall [C-モール] for lunch.

AR [abbr] = augmented reality 拡張現実感
augment [v] 増加させる
GPS [abbr] = Global Positioning System 全地球測位システム
database [n] データベース


✥【 Reading 】✥

You probably have a very straightforward experience while using Google Maps on your phone. Enter your destination, and a suggested route [PN推奨ルート] appears. Maps then uses GPS to determine your real-time [a-リアルタイム] location, which [Restrictive Clause] displays where you are and which way to turn [wh-cl]. What could be simpler? However, sometimes there is an annoying [a-迷惑な] complication. It occurs most often in urban [a-都市の] areas, and it is especially common after leaving underground [a-地下の] places, like a subway station. At that moment, Maps can’t accurately [adv-正確に /ǽkjɚətli(米國英語)/ ] locate your position. The marker that displays your location is frozen [V-en-じっと動かないでいる], or it jumps around from place to place.

※ freeze [v] じっと動かないでいる It’s a terminology that usually used by polices.
※ from place to place = from one place to another

Typically [adv-典型的に], this difficulty to fix your location occurs when buildings and other obstacles [pl-障礙物] disrupt the satellite signals [PN-衛星信號 /sˈæṭəlὰɪt sɪ́gnəlz (米國英語)/ ] GPS uses to determine your position. Given enough time, the location issues will generally resolve themselves. But until they do, you have to guess which way to go. If you’re lucky, you head off in the right direction. If not, you find yourself walking to and fro [adv-行ったり來たり] trying to figure out [PV-計算する] where to go. To deal with this problem, Google is adding a feature that will help eliminate [vt-除去する /əlímənèɪt(米國英語)/ ] the possibility of being led astray while using Maps: augmented reality.

※ To and fro is a phrase equaling ‘back and forth’ or ‘backwards and forwards.’ The word ‘fro’ does not be used alone.
※ lead [vt] /líːd/ led(過去形) led(過去分詞) ; lead [U] 鉛 /léd/

Augmented Reality, or AR, is a combination [C-結合] of real-world images and computer generated ones. When the AR function was first released for testing, the AR feature activated when the user raised their phone to eye level [PN-目の高さ] Instead of the traditional overhead map [C-俯瞰地図], the user saw the live feed from the phone’s camera. At the bottom of the screen was a section with the familiar map view. Superimposed on the camera image was [Inversion] a glowing series of arrows [C-矢] displaying the next way to turn. More importantly, the directions were determined not just with GPS, but with what Google calls VPS.

※ Inversion: S + V + [ V-ing ; V-en ] = [ V-ing ; V-en ] + V + S
※ 「series」は「series」の原形です

The VPS, or Visual [a-視覚の] Positioning System, uses location points accumulated through the image database collected by Google Street View. By comparing those points to the real-time image captured by a phone using Google Maps AR, the phone’s location can be determined without satellite signals. To keep you from walking around while staring at your phone, Maps AR has a safety feature. After a short time, the app will remind you to put your phone down. If Maps AR is left active for too long, the screen will go dark. If Maps AR proves to be both safe and useful, you might just see more AR applications in the near future.

※ application [C] アプリ ; apply for (+school) 応じる ; apply to + N 適用する

✥【 Information 】✥

Google is always trying to update [vt-最新のものにする] the technology [U-科學技術] behind the services it offers. Here we explore how a feature will change the way some people use Google Maps.



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2992 點
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發表於 2019-8-5 08:55 PM|只看該作者
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Too nice data, Thanks your share~~~~


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發表於 2024-10-12 11:27 AM|只看該作者
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