
標題: [文學] [Joan Didion] Play It as It Lays: A Novel (EPUB@0.03MB@KFⓂ@英語) [打印本頁]

作者: ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌    時間: 2025-1-7 08:18 PM     標題: [文學] [Joan Didion] Play It as It Lays: A Novel (EPUB@0.03MB@KFⓂ@英語)

本帖最後由 ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ 於 2025-1-7 08:28 PM 編輯


【電子書名稱】: Play It as It Lays: A Novel
【電子書類型】: 文學
【電子書格式】: EPUB
【檔 案 大 小】: 0.03MB
【電子書語言】: 英語
【分 享 空 間】: KATFILE
【上 傳 日 期】: 2025-01-07
【載 點 網 址】: Click here
【解 壓 密 碼】: 無

瓊・蒂蒂安 (Joan Didion) 的《Play It as It Lays》對 1960 年代晚期的美國生活進行了無情的剖析,捕捉了整整一代人的情緒,那種反映在簡潔文字中的當代社會的倦怠感,震撼並縈繞在讀者心中。場景設置在一個超越善惡的地方——實際上是在好萊塢、拉斯維加斯和莫哈韋沙漠的荒蕪之地,但隱喻上則是在一片乾涸的心靈荒漠——在它最初出版三十多年後,它仍然是一本令人深感不安的小說,它對一位女性和一個處於危機中的社會的探索引人入勝,其散文那至今仍令人震驚的力道令人讚嘆。

A ruthless dissection of American life in the late 1960s, Joan Didion's Play It as It Lays captures the mood of an entire generation, the ennui of contemporary society reflected in spare prose that blisters and haunts the reader. Set in a place beyond good and evil---literally in Hollywood, Las Vegas, and the barren wastes of the Mojave Desert, but figuratively in the landscape of an arid soul---it remains more than three decades after its original publication a profoundly disturbing novel, riveting in its exploration of a woman and a society in crisis and stunning in the still-startling intensity of its prose.


作者: kennykkou    時間: 2025-1-12 10:11 PM

本帖最後由 kennykkou 於 2025-1-12 10:13 PM 編輯

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感謝語:感謝 ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ 分享好書
心得:I'm glad to start reading Joan Didion with this novel. Although profoundly disturbing, she says so much with so few words in this work. Do not read this if you are feeling down. The mood will haunt you.

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